Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fifth Grade Scope and Sequence

Grade 5 Curriculum Guide

Social Studies

* Exploration and discovery
* Establishment of settlements in the New World
* Colonial life in America
* Pioneer life in America
* Revolutionary War in America
* Westward movement in America
* Industrial and cultural growth
* Democracy's principles and documents
* Life in the U. S. and its possessions
* Geography of the U. S.
* Natural resources of the U. S.
* Canada and Mexico
* Relationship between the U. S. and Canada
* Comparative cultures of Canada
* Countries and cultures of the Western Hemisphere: Central America, West Indies, South America
* Map and globe skills


* Biological adaptations
* Biotic communities
* Animal and plant classification
* Fish
* Reptiles
* Bacteria
* Molds
* Trees
* Plants and their food
* Conservation
* Cells
* Human body
* Landforms
* Properties of air and water
* Time and seasons
* Temperature and thermometers
* Magnetic fields
* Use and control of electricity
* Conduction and convection
* Light and optics
* Force systems
* Chemical systems
* Sun and solar system
* Space and space exploration
* Scientific method and scientific inquiry

Language Arts

* Silent and oral reading
* Types of literature
* Presenting original plays
* Listening skills
* Dictionary use for word meaning,
analysis, spelling
* Common homonyms
* Homophones and homographs
* Synonyms and antonyms
* Using a thesaurus
* Spelling
* Plurals and possessives
* Kinds of sentences
* Parts of sentences
* Cursive handwriting
* Outlining
* Paragraph writing
* Writing letters, stories, reports, poems, plays
* Preparing a simple bibliography
* Proofreading skills
* Parts of a newspaper
* Using study materials: keys, tables, graphs, charts, legends, library catalogs, index, table of contents, reference materials, maps

Health and Safety

* Dental hygiene
* Our water supply
* Sewage disposal
* Care of the eyes
* Nutrition and diet
* Diseases
* Germ-bearing insects and pests
* Community health resources
* Elementary first aid
* Bicycle and water safety
* Preparing for puberty
* Human reproduction
* Substance abuse


* Reading and writing numbers to 10 places
* Mixed numbers
* Set of integers
* Numeration systems
* Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of whole numbers
* Fundamental processes: whole numbers and common fractions
* Common and decimal fractions * Decimals to the thousandths
* Ratio and percent
* Exponents
* Customary and metric measurements
* Extension of geometric concepts
* Word problems in daily life
* Charts and graphs: picture, bar, line, and circle graphs
* Concept of sampling